SXSWORLD November 2012


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June 30-July 3, 2011 IRELAND DENMARK U.K. SPAIN ITALY FRANCE BRENT WAS THE PERFECT AND PREFERRED COM- PANY ON ALL OUR INTERNATIONAL TRIPS since we fi rst met him during Popkomm in 1996. He didn't make music professionals, e it tto in practical clothing and b from stages to camping sitess to ffoodood booths from early morning to late at night. Back home, he se us the link to his family tree providingg proofoo that he was partly Danish: hi sent Jensen was from where Mariannee's moth At Roskilde, 2011 rer peplied: "I'mg n t here eyes of tth w rl COOL COO , thatt I hav Rikk uar ke ØxxØ ner (Roskilde Fesestival; Rosk de D e on out.Whi e hi m di he world, it m kes me ave tto Janua y 28-31,,2012 THIS PASST JANUARY, BRE Octo ober 6- 6 8, 2011 IN OCTOBBER 2011, BR NTREEN AND I TRAVELEELED TO DUBLIIN, both of us for tthe fi rst time, to a festival of independent Irish ba with talen ini te e nterrestt in each. He loved heed the city, which is fi tting si where his beloveoved Guiin festes ivals an nt,t Brent encouraged de and engaggaging witith ne wherre they cam captu New nd conference w aptured the essence of bo wtton (SXSWMusic) nness origina ame from n a few short days, he seemedemed to have ss new ttalalentt, but also about under t m. In ces was not onlly e b tht Dublin and its musi s cians.. - Liiz yzzzy e oes, riginated. For Brentt, attending y about discoisc vering derstanding genuine s nce it's o attttend H rd Haard Working Class Her b nds. During "Speed Sesssions" d veloping acts, taking ge h Venice, January 2012 January 26-27, 2012 JOH STON, MIRKO WH i itt was my g algooa to drin on y UP IN VE July 28-Auguust 2, 2012 I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO TRAVELL 2 THE VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL M SIMUUS C INDUS RY EVENTS AROUND THE WORLD, but ovver he years I always looked forward to themev knew that I was meeting up with Brent!! T AVELLING TO UST Content Business day at Lancaster House in St James Park, London. At the end of th aged to fi nd the guests lounge tha wa d a Creative single malts and some very fi ne cidersrs from various parts of Great Britain, much to Brent's d he day we man- at was servin ng sampling of one or two of these tipples, we moved on to a very old local pub to discuss the highlights of the day. Brent got very involved with a discus- sion on British fashion, and how British mus fashion over the years had helped shape so his life. deelight. After u ic and some of The last thing Brent said as I left that night was thaat he looked forward to seeing me in Buenos Air at BAFIM, an event we'd both been invited to and agreed to attend if the other would too. As I left for Buenos Aires last month, I knew it, nor any other of these events and places, will be the same without him. - Phil Patterson (UK Trade and Investment; London, UK) res e BRENT'NT S BIRTHDDAY MIDEMININ CANN late in tth year SX g eat llaugh together. As we say in Ireland: Níbheith a leitheadheadannarís – There won't be his like again. - Una Joh arwe would c lebrat abetted by our Par had a gr a SXSW colleag a memo am rable di ce ebrate Brent's 40th birthrthday i Paris. My guee and friend Lisa Tinley and I, aided and a isian friend Laurent Agnoux, arranged dinner near the Eiffel Tower to celebrate. We he Marrttinez barr during MIDEM 20 NEES, FRA nwas hatche very 2000 that tthe next in O NCIDED n D WITH hed Johnston (SXSW UK/Ireland Sales) A NEA E RLY ALWAYS COI RANCE, and a plan er the last few e en more if I In July, the Olympics offered us another opportu- nity to get together when UKTI hosted wanted to dridrink this wine as a triburib te to its idiosyncratic maker (whoowould throw away entntire vintages for not being good enough Brent, knowingg far morre about wine h n me, leftt hiis palate in my hands, anddn I'll alwa closer at our fi na meal the legendar days earlier eg er. Aftterr telling the ownerw e /sommelier that we ary G u eppe al meal was a bottle of Amarone made by Giiuseppe Quintarelli, wh h ways deeply ap te e in harvestts at het the Quintarelli fam sty s yle, we became par once in a- if h)) he melted, telling us ce-in-a-llifetime expexperiience togeetht er.- Mar (MG Limited;ed; New Yo k,ork, NY) art of this man'an s family and shared a a k Gartenb rg nbe us that he had participated mily estate. In trur e Italian July 28-August 2, 2012 BRENT AND I TOOK A THREE DAY TRIP TO LONDON TO ATTEND A CONFERENCE produced by UK Trade and Investment. The fact that it was held during the Olympics was a bonus. Unable to fi nd tickets for any Ol O ympic even ming event from a scalper in India. We were worried we'd get the boot because the name on the tickets was "Rajesh Singh," but security didn't give us a second look at the gate. The conference was held the next day at Lancaster House in the Buckingham Palace complex. We had missed PM David Cameron speak at a reception the night before while we were at the Olympics (oops), but the conference speakers included Sir Howard Stringer (CEO of Sony), designer Stella McCartney and Rupert Grint from the Harry Potter movies. Watching Brent work ntst , I bought two good seats for a swim- the crowd and greet friends old and new, I thought about how far we'd traveled together over the past 18 years. I didn't know that this was to be my last trip with him. - Roland Swenson r SXSW ORLD / N OVEMBER 2012 15 171 TH NNUA PILG inintternational music confc nference/trade-show. Our internr ational business stta att e 7TH ANNUAL PILGRIMAG R NT AND I MADE OUR GEE TO MIDEM, the original a ttended MIDEM, and SXSW aW has a big annual pres- en e ce there with a trade show exh least six people meeting with clielients all day and socializing in the evening. BEFORE TRAVELING TO MIDEM, BRENTT, RO JOHN V NICE for two magical days. During ou brief st nk onlly wines fror m tth Vhe Veneto re ion. in tha W ITFIELD, TRACY MANN AN ur b R LAND, UN AND I ME MET s ay, NA ppreciat his trust. The who had died only few only a little less broke than when we met as Austintin Chronicle staffers in the early '80s, and by day, we But in the early days, the two of us spe time explaining what SXSW was to peo with limited English. Back in those glory da major label money still fl owed, Brent an hustled invites to any receptions serving food and drink. At night, burning the candle at both ends, we got to know the underside of the famous French beach town. Brent made friends with a lot of global music biz characters on those late nights. Many of them still attend SXSW. - Roland Swenson (SXSW Managing Director) e p nt a lot of ople, som days whe nd I we ew rre hen me arrted in 1989 when I fi rst hibit stand with at her called Jensennsen cam f om gooing to re hille thismay dimiinish you a bit in the ma efer to you a ot o Roskilde Festival until 2011. Unlike most fessionals he stood ready as a boy scout baackpack walking around m his grea gat grandmo her called s great grand- ame frrom, tot which he assmy cousin from o do iitt."" - Ma aarriianne Ifversen and kiillde, Deenmark) m look SO FUCKING

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