SXSWORLD March Film + Interactive


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SXSWORLD CONTENTS VOLUME 6, ISSUE 3 Publishers Roland Swenson, Nick Barbaro, Louis Black Editor Andy Smith Art Director Jamie Miller Advertising Sara Barney, Una Johnston, Katie King, Phil Tripp, Mirko Whitfi eld, Luann Williams SXSW Contributors Sara Barney, Rebecca Feferman, Brad First, Andy Flynn, Una Johnston, Katie King, Jim Kolmar, April Litz, Andrew McNeill, Janet Pierson, Bethany Ricks, Cathy Ricks, Eleanor Rosaire, Amy Wanke, Mirko Whitfi eld, Stacey Wilhelm, Luann Williams, Alicia Zertuche SXSW 2012 Logo Design Foxtrot Bravo Alpha [FBA] Contributors Thor Christensen, Graydon Gordian, Eric Kohn, Rob Mahoney, Barbara Mitchell, Patrick Nichols, Joe O'Connell, Scott Schinder, Susan Shepard, Matt Singer, Jenny Smith SXSW HEADQUARTERS PO Box 685289, Austin TX 78768 US Tel 512/467-7979, Fax 512/451-0754 Email: SXSW HEADQUARTERS SALES DEPARTMENT MUSIC: Luann Williams, FILM: Sara Barney, INTERACTIVE: Katie King, SPONSORSHIPS: Scott McNearney, Sales: SXSW Music, U.K. & Ireland Una Johnston, 9 The Coach Yard, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary IRELAND Tel/Fax: +353 505 42570 SXSW Music & Film, European Continent Mirko Whitfi eld, Einsiedlerweg 6 Tuebingen-Pforndorf 72074 GERMANY Tel & Fax +49 7071 885 604 SXSW JAPAN Hiroshi Asada #406 2-3-21 Kabukicho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0021 SXSW Australia, New Zealand & Hawaii Phil Tripp, 60 King St., Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 AUSTRALIA +61 (2) 6652 6675 SXSWORLD (ISSN 1935-1496) is published by SXSW, Inc. fi ve times per year in May, November, February and twice in March at 400 Bowie, Austin, TX 78703. © 2012 SXSW, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, TX and at additional mailing offi ces. "SXSW" and "South By Southwest" are registered trademarks owned by SXSW, Inc. Subscriptions are provided annually with paid registra- tions to the SXSW Conferences. Subscriptions are available to the general public for $20 per year. For inquiries, email POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SXSWORLD PO Box 685289, Austin TX 78768 SXSW ORLD / M ARCH F ILM- I A 2012 SXSW ORLD / M ARCH F ILM- I A 2012 3 3 Pg 32 IN EVERY ISSUE Taking Care of Business to Business ....................................................... 16 News from companies who are part of the SXSW world News & Notes .............................................................................................22 Updates from the SXSW Interactive, Film and Music events Back Page: SXSW Comedy .......................................................................52 Upright Citizens Brigade schools young comedians Pg 40 Pg 46 FEATURES Right Here, Right Now .............................................................................5 What has been happening so far at SXSW 2012? Dean Kamen ...............................................................................................30 Famed inventor believes hands-on science is just for kids Frank Warren ..............................................................................................32 PostSecret project shares the world's secrets Turntable .....................................................................................................34 Will this social media and music mash-up show the way to the future? Exploring The Digital Domain ................................................................38 New programming at the intersection of fi lm and multimedia Spotlight on Cinematography ...............................................................40 For these 2012 fi lms, the image is everything For Art's Sake .............................................................................................42 New documentaries examine visual artists and their creative processes Napster ........................................................................................................46 File sharing site's founders to discuss new doc and more at SXSW Music Pitchfork ......................................................................................................48 Online music site evolves from indie stalwart to infl uential tastemaker Canadian Blast ...........................................................................................50 All around the world, Canadian artists can count on CIMA's support

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