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6 Primary/Secondary Access PRIMARY AND SECONDARY LINES ARE TIED TO BADGE TYPE The two line system allows entrance to SXSW programming based on your badge type. 2017 SXSW BADGE TYPE: PRIMARY ACCESS LINE SECONDARY ACCESS LINE PLATINUM ✔ ✔ ✔ INTERACTIVE ✔ ✔ ✔ FILM ✔ ✔ ✔ MUSIC ✔ ✔ ✔ SECONDARY ACCESS PRIMARY ACCESS SECONDARY PRIMARY ACCESS SECONDARY ACCESS PRIMARY ACCESS PRIMARY ACCESS PRIMARY ACCESS PRIMARY ACCESS FOR ALL BADGEHOLDERS You all have equal access to Convergence programming, SXSW Gaming and SXSW Exhibitions. FOR PLATINUM BADGEHOLDERS You have primary access to all events, and always proceed through the primary line. FOR INTERACTIVE, FILM AND MUSIC BADGEHOLDERS You have primary access to your respective badge type, and proceed through the primary line. Plus, you have secondary access to most events outside your badge type, and proceed through the secondary line.* * Select events are restricted to a specific badge type. Access will be for that badge type plus Platinum. Access indicated by signage, schedules, and SXSW®Go app. SXSW CONFERENCE ROOM POLICIES • No standing room • When rooms reach capacity doors will close and attendees will not be admitted. (Keynote and Featured Speaker rooms will maintain a Primary Access line in case room drops below capacity.) • No re-entry if a session is at capacity • Posted badge access is subject to change PRIMARY/SECONDARY ACCESS ADMISSION NOT GUARANTEED AND IS SUBJECT TO ROOM CAPACITY