SXSWorld May 2014


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3 2 S X S W O R L D / M A Y 2 0 1 4 F I L M A N D M U S I C T H U R S D AY, M A R C H 1 3 T H — F R I D AY, M A R C H 1 4 T H I had a great time. Maybe the best SXSW ever! - Evan Dubinsky (Pop Montreal) T wo weeks before SXSW, my brother in San Francisco and his son turned me on to this large band of Tuaregs from Mali called Tinariwen. These guys have survived a hard life in the war-torn areas of the North African desert for years and decided to trade their AK47's for musical instruments. They travel the world now giving the gift of their story through their music and have made almost a dozen records with all but one of them being recorded outdoors in the Sahara Desert. To this day, if the manager of the band wants to get a message to them while they are home, it takes around three weeks to reach them. To my delight on learning more about them, I found myself in their audience not once but twice during SXSW. After one show, they were gathered outside the venue and I got to chat with them. This was a highlight for me not only because I found myself being thrust into their realm so rapidly after first learning about them, but because it is a true showing of the festival's massive diversity demonstrating the true power of music in our lives. - Gavin Lurssen (Lurssen Mastering) T he response to our activations was fantastic. - Anna Sherwood-Stephan (Music and Entertainment Marketing, Vans) C L A U D I O F O X H E AT H E R K E N N E D Y / G E T T Y I M A G E S A M A N D A G I A N N I N Y / G E T T Y I M A G E S J O H N S H A P L E Y / G E T T Y I M A G E S C A L H O L M A N H U T T O N S U PA N C I C / G E T T Y I M A G E S 1 2 3 4 5 6

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