SXSWorld February 2020


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2 SXS W O R L D | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 | SXSW.COM AT A GLANCE We asked the younger SXSW fam to creatively interpret the names of some of the 2020 music acts. We may be a little biased, but we think these are masterpieces. Match the band names below with the draw- ings (we did the first one for you), and see them all at Answers: 1. A, 2. L, 3. G, 4. B, 5. H, 6. D, 7. F, 8. I, 9. E, 10. K, 11. J, 12. C A C I F G H E B K L J D 1. Mr.Kitty by Samantha, age 8 2. Pom Pom Squad by Eva, age 6 3. Good Morning by Maggie, age 5 4. Big Mountain County by Harper, age 8 5. Psychic Bloom by Charley Rae, age 8 6. musclecars by Jet, age 6 7. The Sherlocks by Olivia, age 6 8. Bad Waitress by Presley, age 8 9. Sloppy Jane by Sophia, age 10 10. Weird Milk by Kai, age 10 11. Elephant Stone by Ezra, age 4 12. Night Dreamer by Emily, age 7 A

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