SXSWorld May-June 2016


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S X S W. C O M | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 6 | S X S W o r l d 3 SXSWorld VO LU M E 1 0, I S SU E 5 Pu b l i s h e r s Roland Swenson, Nick Barbaro, Louis Black Editor Andy Smith A r t D ire c to r Eleanor Rosaire A d ve r t i s i n g Sara Barney, Una Johnston, Katie King, Phil Tripp, Mirko Whitfield, Luann Williams SX S W C o n t rib u to r s Jody Arlington, Christine Auten, Amy Braband, Rory Burbeck, Cori Burford, Brett Cannon, Shelley Hiam, Zach Horn, Jim Kolmar, April Litz, Sarah Lynn, Andrew McNeill, Cathy Ricks, Amy Wanke, Stacey Wilhelm, Luann Williams, Julie Yost SX S W 20 1 6 Lo g o D es ig n Foxtrot Bravo Alpha [FBA] C o n t rib u to r s Claudia Alarcón, Shermakaye Bass, Ashley Craddock, Leor Galil, Linda Laban, Neil Miller, Débora Nogueira, Robert Preliasco, Jenny Smith SX S W H E A D Q UA RTE RS PO Box 685289, Austin TX 78768 US Tel 512/467-7979, Fax 512/451-0754 Email: S X S W S A LE S & E X H I B ITI O N S (S X S W.CO M / S A LE S ) MUSIC: Stacie Cline,, Luann Williams, FILM: Sara Barney, INTERACTIVE: Wendy Cummings,, Katie King: GAMING: Justin Burnham: SPONSORSHIPS: Scott McNearney: S X S W M u s i c , U. K . & I re l a n d Una Johnston, 9 The Coach Yard, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary IRELAND Tel/Fax: +353 505 42570, S X S W E u ro p e, M i d d le Ea s t , A f r i ca & A s i a Mirko Whitfield, Blaihofstrasse 4, # 10 72074 Tuebingen-Pfrondorf, GERMANY S X S W J a p a n Hiroshi Asada, #406 2-3-21 Kabukicho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0021 S X S W A u s t r a l i a , N ew Ze a l a n d & H a wa i i Phil Tripp, 60 King St. Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 AUSTRALIA +61 (2) 6652 6675, S X S W B r a zi l Tracy Mann, S X S W C e n t r a l , S o u t h A m e r i ca & C a r i b b e a n Peter Lewis, SXSWorld (ISSN 1935-1496) is published by SXSW, LLC. five times per year in May, November, February and twice in March at 400 Bowie St, Austin, TX 78703. © 2016 SXSW, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, TX and at additional mailing offices. "SXSW" and "South By Southwest" are registered trademarks owned by SXSW, Inc. Subscriptions are provided annually with paid registrations to the SXSW Conferences. Subscriptions are available to the general public for $20 per year. For inquiries, email P OS TM A S TE R: S e n d a d d res s ch a n g es to SXSWorld P O B ox 6 8 528 9, Au s t in T X 7 8 76 8 I N E V E RY I S S U E Infographic: J.J. Abrams' SXSW .................................................................... 4 A-list filmmaker and creative powerhouse was a busy man New & Noteworthy ................................................................................................ 6 Updates from the SXSW family of events A Look Back: Brené Brown .............................................................................48 Interactive keynote finds power in human frailties F E AT U R E S My South By ........................................................................................................... 12 SXSW 2016 remembered in photographs and anecdotes Kate Brandt ............................................................................................................32 SXSW Eco keynote discusses large-scale sustainability efforts O2 Filmes.................................................................................................................34 Brazilian company's homegrown VR tech turns heads at SXSW Grulke Prize Winners .........................................................................................36 Which three SXSW artists earned this year's accolades? Technology and Crisis Response ................................................................38 What approaches can truly assist disaster relief efforts? 2016 SXSW Film Awards ................................................................................ 40 Winning films share common Texas bonds Lucha Libre .............................................................................................................42 For Mexican pro wrestlers, the power is in the mask Gamers of Influence ..........................................................................................44 Internet personalities hold great sway over gaming world Grime in the USA ................................................................................................ 46 U.K. hip-hop genre generating stateside excitement Page 40 J A N E H O U L E Page 46 Page 42 ROBERT A TOBIANSKY / GETTY IMAGES J O R D A N P E E L E A N D K E E G A N - M I C H A E L K E Y C O V E R P H O T O C O U R T E S Y O F M I K E W I N D L E / G E T T Y I M A G E S I L A N A G L A Z E R A N D A B B I J A C O B S O N C O V E R P H O T O C O U R T E S Y O F E D M O N D L O R T S

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